Michigan Board of Physical Therapy
The Michigan Board of Physical Therapy was originally formed with the enactment of Public Act 164 of 1965. On September 30, 1978, authority was transferred to the Public Health Code by Public Act 368 of 1978, as amended. The practice of physical therapy, as defined in the Public Health Code, means: "the evaluation of, education of, consultation with, or treatment of an individual by the employment of effective properties of physical measures and the use of therapeutic exercises and rehabilitative procedures with or without assistive devices, for the purpose of preventing, correcting, or alleviating a physical or mental disability. Physical therapy includes treatment planning, performance of tests and measurements, interpretation of referrals, initiation of referrals, instruction, consultative services, and supervision of personnel. Physical measures include massage, mobilization, heat, cold, air, light, water, electricity, and sound." Public Act 55 of 2009 provides for the licensure of physical therapist assistants and was effective June 25, 2009. The practice of physical therapist assistant, as defined in the Public Health Code, means: "the practice of physical therapy performed under the supervision of a physical therapist licensed under this part." The Public Health Code mandates certain responsibilities and duties for a health professional licensing board. Underlying all duties is the responsibility of the board to promote and protect the public's health, safety, and welfare. This responsibility is implemented by the Board by ascertaining minimal entry level competency of health practitioners. The Board also has the obligation to take disciplinary action against licensees who have adversely affected the public's health, safety, and welfare. The Michigan Board of Physical Therapy consists of 11 voting members: 6 physical therapists, 1 physical therapist assistant, and 4 public members.
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Bureau of Professional Licensing
Act 368 of 1978, 333.17821Current members
Term ends 12/31/2025
Seat represented
Physical therapists
Priti George
Term ends 12/31/2025
Seat represented
Physical therapists
Craig Miller
Term ends 12/31/2025
Seat represented
Physical therapists
Sherry Saggers
Flat Rock
Term ends 12/31/2026
Seat represented
Physical therapist assistants
Jeffrey Clark
Term ends 12/31/2023
Seat represented
Physical therapists
La'Nik St Julien
Term ends 12/31/2023
Seat represented
The general public (resigned)
Erica Sherman
Term ends 12/31/2027
Seat represented
Physical therapists
Nora Cascardo
Huntington Woods
Term ends 12/31/2024
Seat represented
Physical therapists
Sara Burhans
Term ends 12/31/2025
Seat represented
The general public
Jaharah Muhammad
Term ends 12/31/2025
Seat represented
The general public
Katie Kiter
Term ends 12/31/2025
Seat represented
The general public