Advisory Board for the Michigan Intelligence Operations Center for Homeland Security
Executive Order 2012-5Current members
Brian Slocum
Term ends 04/11/2027
Seat represented
Residents of the state not connected to Law Enforcement
Thomas Reich
Eaton Rapids
Term ends 04/11/2027
Seat represented
Local sheriffs' departments in Michigan or Michigan Sheriff's Association
Kimberly Buddin
Term ends 04/11/2025
Seat represented
Statewide non-profit advocacy for civil liberties and privacy protections
Mark Reene
Term ends 04/11/2025
Seat represented
County prosecutors or the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan
James Grady
Seat represented
The Michigan State Police
Paul Rogers
Seat represented
The Adjutant General or their designee from the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
Heidi Washington
Seat represented
The Director of the Department of Civil Rights or his or her designee from within the Department of Civil Rights or from the Civil Rights Commission.
Mark Bishop
Seat represented
The Department of Corrections