State of Michigan Retirement Board
The State of Michigan Retirement Board provides oversight of the State Employees' Retirement System Defined Benefit (DB) plan, the Judges Retirement System DB plan, and the Military Retirement Provisions.
Home page and meeting informationContact information
Kerrie Vanden Bosch
Office of Retirement Services
(517) 284-4564
Current members
Lauri Schmidt
Term ends 12/31/2027
Seat represented
A retiree member of the State Employees' Retirement System
Phillip Thompson
Term ends 12/31/2023
Seat represented
The general public
David Berridge
Term ends 12/31/2024
Seat represented
A member or retirent of the State Employees' Retirement System,
Leo Bowman
Term ends 12/31/2025
Seat represented
A member or retirent of the Judges Retirement System,
Felipe Karian-Torres
Term ends 12/31/2026
Seat represented
A current or former officer or enlisted person in the Michigan Military Establishment who is a member or retirant under the Military Retirement Provisions,