Michigan Opioids Task Force
The Michigan Opioids Task Force was created as an advisory body within the Department of Health and Human Services and consists of 12 members of the executive branch of state government. Members of the Task Force are ex officio members and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The director of the Department shall designate the chairperson of the Task Force. In September 2022, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order No. 2022-2 expanding the Michigan Opioid Task Force to include one representative appointed by the Governor from each of the ten regions established by the Department for specialty Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans for Medicaid mental health and substance use disorder services and supports (“PIHP Regions”).
Home page and meeting informationContact information
Jared Welehodsky
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Executive Order No. 2022-12Current members
Greg Toutant
Term ends 06/14/2025
Seat represented
PIHP region 1
Sue Winter
Term ends 06/14/2026
Seat represented
PIHP region 2 (resigned)
Stephen Alsum
Term ends 06/14/2027
Seat represented
PIHP region 3
Bradley Casemore
Term ends 06/14/2028
Seat represented
PIHP region 4
Samuel Price
Term ends 06/14/2025
Seat represented
PIHP region 5
Amanda Scott
Term ends 06/14/2027
Seat represented
PIHP region 6
Kristie Schmiege
Term ends 06/14/2028
Seat represented
PIHP region 8
Helen Klingert
Term ends 06/14/2026
Seat represented
PIHP region 9
Darlene Owens
Term ends 06/14/2025
Seat represented
PIHP region 7
Kimberly Shewmaker
Term ends 06/14/2027
Seat represented
PIHP region 10