State Police Retirement Board
The Michigan State Police Retirement System Board provides oversight of the Michigan State Police Retirement System.
Home page and meeting informationContact information
Andy Kolp
Executive Secretary
Office of Retirement Services
(517) 284-2564
Current members
Julian Darden
Term ends 12/31/2024
Seat represented
The general public with experience in the insurance, actuarial, or institutional investment field
Dana Nessel
Seat represented
The Attorney General or his or her authorized representative (ex officio)
Rachael Eubanks
East Lansing
Seat represented
State Treasurer or authorized representative (ex officio)
Cheryl Smittdiel
Seat represented
Office of the State Employer or designee (ex officio)
Craig Murray
Seat represented
Deputy Auditor General (ex officio)
James Grady
Seat represented
Director of the Department of State Police or his or her authorized representative (ex officio)